Saturday, August 19, 2006

Flexible Schedule

My sister Shannon, who I consider to be very OCD, showed me her schedule for the school year yesterday, written down on the first page of a journal, complete with pockets full of other important information. This schedule is proudly titled "Flexible Schedule" as a reminder to herself that she can indeed be, and may sometimes need to be, flexible.

Shannon, also known as Beeber, or the Beebs, acompanied me to the pool yesterday for a swim practice originally scheduled for Wednesday. Later, she left our mom's pool early (due to excessive cloud cover, something for which we were once encouraged to blow the emergency whistle, but now for which we are reminded NOT to) and went home to clean the house. That's flexibility!

We did cover 1000 yards straight. Tomorrow, the trigirls head out to Naylor's for one last open water swim before next week's race.


Anonymous said...

As long as I get credit for improvement afterward, you are free to slander me. Sheesh! You forgot to mention that I am a New Jersey grandmother who speaks to animals :-)

carmen said...

Oh, Sweet Beebs! The idea is that we NEED to be flexible, particularly in cases of excessive cloud cover, and if you can improve your flexibility, we should all learn a lesson from you.
XOXO, Carm.
PS I think that's pronounced gra'mudda...