Thursday, August 10, 2006

Midweek Training Time

I tend to schedule my workouts and be very particular about keeping these appointments; otherwise, training seems to be the first thing to get squeezed out of a busy schedule. Since I am between semesters for teaching, I am pulling a lot of shifts at the restaurant. I just got home from my sixth shift in a row and am looking forward to an evening off before I go back in tomorrow morning.

Although I have never thought of myself as an early riser, I find that the wee hours are indeed the best time to schedule training--at least I know it is done for the day!

Yesterday I went to my strength training class at 6 am. I love having the class because, particularly as a teacher, I have guilt over absences. Last year, after I cut my personal trainer out of my budget, I think I lifted weights once in six months. Sigh.

We had a beautiful day--first day in weeks that the temperature didn't go above ninety. Sandee and I went on a fairly easy bike through the neighborhoods and relaxed at Starbucks before I had to head in for my double shift.

Today it was dark when I woke up. Just as I was heading out the door to meet the girls for our Thursday run, the rain started. I have to admit that I was kind of excited--I'll take rain over 94 degrees any day! Any change in the weather makes a change in training. I generally don't wear a watch, but I felt good today, and I think I ran pretty fast. Four mile negative split.

The rain was also a good excuse for a nap. I cam e home and slept until I had to get ready for work at about 10:30. My girls at work are just impressed that I get up early enough to take a nap before eleven!

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