Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ironman Florida

Following today; registering tomorrow.

My last tri of the season was three weeks ago. I have neither swum nor biked, but I've been doing lots of other stuff!

Today SanDee and I ran a very cold six miles for our taper. Next Saturday is the Richmond Marathon (me) and Sunday brings the OBX half (her.) We didn't hit the road until about ten am, which was a welcome reprieve from the early runs. Not that I've been to a Thursday group run recently, but it still felt nice to sleep in a bit.

Feeling tired today and avoiding grading essays--nothing new there, either.

Focusing on hydration and nutrition for this week.

Much more nervous about something going wrong with tomorrow's registration process than anything disastrous happening during the marathon...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh, she's registered

Anonymous said...

hey trijinx, how does it feel to be registered for your first IM? i'm sure you haven't thought holy cr** yet. don't worry, you will. no need to worry now. it's done, so enjoy.